Today, diseases of the external genitalia are the most common, aggressive pathology. For example, HPV infection is asymptomatic for a long time and can have serious consequences. Some strains of the virus can cause cancer of the rectum, vagina and cervix. That is why it is important to diagnose it in time and start appropriate treatment.

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus is a common infection of the genital tract. This pathogen is found in almost every sixth inhabitant of the planet. When infected, the pathogen enters the epithelial cells, disrupting the process of division, which activates the development of various diseases. The virus mostly infects the genitourinary system, the anorectal area. . Diseases that occur during HPV infection:

  1. The formation of genital warts.
  2. Development of papillomatosis of the respiratory tract.
  3. Damage to the genitals with the development of a tumor process.

Almost 70% of the population are carriers of the pathogen without clinical manifestations of the disease. Re-infection is possible throughout life. Because not everyone who has had a papillomavirus infection develops resistance to the virus.

hpc 3D model

Types of HPV

More than 100 types of HPV are currently known. Some of them are relatively safe for human health, while others can activate the development of the oncological process. Most often, the clinical signs of the disease do not appear in the early stages. Usually the first symptoms appear after the action of provoking factors.

According to oncological activity, such viruses are classified into:

  1. Strains with high oncogenic risk (18, 16, 31, 33, etc. )
  2. Low oncogenic risk strains (6, 11, 32, 40-44, 72)

Low oncogenic strains of viruses lead to the appearance of warts and papillomas on the skin on the surface of the body.

Highly oncogenic strains cause the formation of genital warts in the anogenital area, on the surface of the cervix in women and the penis in men.

Long-term exposure of the body to 16, 18, 31, 33 types of virus can lead to cervical dysplasia and a more serious disease - cervical cancer.

However, even in the presence of HPV in the body with a high oncogenic risk, oncological pathology does not always develop. Timely referral to experienced doctors for diagnosis, properly selected treatment will allow you to never face dangerous clinical manifestations of human papillomavirus.

How can you get infected

Women and men are equally infected with this pathogen.

The main route of transmission is considered sexual. HPV usually becomes infected after the first sexual intercourse, but there are other ways of transmitting the infection:

  1. Vertical. That is, during the passage through the birth canal of a woman infected with HPV, the newborn may become infected.
  2. Autoinoculation. Self-infection (transfer from one part of the body to another) is possible during hair removal or shaving.
  3. Contact and household. The human papillomavirus remains viable in the environment for some time. Therefore, they can become infected after visiting public places (bathroom, gym, swimming pool).
  4. Contact. Possible infection through the surface of the wound on the skin or mucous membranes (abrasions, wounds, bruises).
  5. Sexual. The most common route of infection.

Anyone can get a viral infection. To diagnose it in a timely manner, you should undergo preventive examinations with a doctor to determine the first symptoms of pathology.

papillomas in the groin in women

The main manifestations of infection

The presence of papillomavirus infection may not have clinical manifestations for a long time. The incubation period of the disease can last several years, during which the patient can become infected with different types of virus. Only after exposure to provoking factors (immunodeficiency, hypothermia, stressful situations), signs of HPV infection can be observed. In most cases, self-treatment of this infection occurs within 1-2 years, but in some patients the pathology becomes chronic.

The disease can manifest itself with such formations:

  1. Genital warts (genital warts). Externally, these are papillary growths that resemble cauliflower or crest in shape. They are flesh-colored or pink and can be single or multiple. They can form anywhere, but are most commonly found on the skin and genital mucosa. The formations are characterized by low oncogenic potential. They rarely turn into malignant neoplasms, usually do not cause discomfort to the patient.
  2. what genital papillomas look like
  3. Flat warts. They have a characteristic structure - do not protrude above the surface of the mucosa of the affected organ. Such formations have a high oncological potential, which is why they require more in-depth diagnosis. It is usually located on the lining of the walls of the vagina, urethra, cervix. A biopsy is needed to diagnose the nature of warts.
  4. flat warts on the body
  5. Dysplasia. It is characterized by a violation of the differentiated structure of the tissue. There are often atypical cells that can cause the development of oncological pathology.
  6. Requires careful monitoring and, if necessary, surgical correction.
dysplasia in the presence of papillomas

Each of the forms of pathology should be closely monitored by a physician. To reduce the risk of developing a cancerous process, it is recommended to remove such growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

HPV diagnosis

It is necessary to diagnose the presence of HPV in stages; a number of physical, laboratory and instrumental tests are used for this.

  1. Examined by a doctor. It can help identify the presence of warts. When genital warts are found, the cervix should be examined. Ureteroscopy is also possible.
  2. Colposcopy. Specific tests are performed with a solution of acetic acid and iodine. With their help you can determine the presence of atypical cells, signs of HPV infection and cervical cancer.
  3. Cytological examination. Cytosmears are performed on the lining of the cervix. This is a screening test for the presence of precancerous and cancerous cells in the wall of the vagina or cervix.

Histological examination of tissues, detection of sexually transmitted diseases, which are often associated with HPV infection, can also be performed. The PCR method has a high diagnostic value. It can be used to identify an HPV strain.

analysis for papillomas

Treatment of HPV (human papillomavirus)

It is impossible to completely eliminate the virus from the patient's body. The doctor can only deal with the consequences of the life of the infectious agent. Symptomatic agents, antivirals and drugs that stimulate the immune process can be used as general therapy.

The following can be used to combat different types of genital warts:

  1. Cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, cauterization with laser or chemicals. Such methods are effective for removing genital warts.
  2. Electrosurgical methods of treatment are used to remove the affected area on the surface of the cervix (dysplasia, warts).
surgical methods for the treatment of papillomas

HPV prevention

Various methods are used to prevent the development of the disease. The most effective are:

  1. Monogamous relationships. You only have sex with someone for whom you are the only sexual partner. This method will protect against all sexually transmitted infections, including HPV.
  2. The use of barrier contraception. It is easy, affordable, but not always 100% safe from infection. The patient can become infected with the virus even if the damaged skin is in contact with the area.
  3. Periodic preventive examinations. Girls should be examined regularly by a gynecologist. In this way you can detect the first signs of the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.
  4. Vaccination. This is an effective and convenient preventive method. Vaccinations can be given to both men and women. The most effective vaccination is before sexual activity (use is allowed from 9 years of age). Or people who are sexually active in the absence of contraindications.

If you suspect the presence of an infection or the first manifestations of the disease, it is important to consult a doctor for high-quality diagnosis and timely treatment.